“Fallen Out of Love? Good News, You Can Fall In Love Again”
By: Junice Rockman
Certified Life Coach & Journalist
Last week we talked about learning to love in our relationships without limits. We also defined love as “a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person; or a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend” (dictionary.com) The good news is that love is an emotion, which is “energy in motion”. So that means you have the ability to shift that energy in the direction or motion that you choose. It may take time, practice, reading, forgiveness, effective communication and perhaps lots of wise counsel, but you reignite your love.
If you feel that you’ve “fallen out of love”, the good news is, you can also "fall back into love" again. Be slow to give up on each other, slow to anger and quick to forgive. In fact, if we all just learned to listen more and speak less, it would enhance the quality of our relationships tremendously. I’ve heard it said before, that we have two ears and only one mouth for a reason – because we need to learn to actively listen a lot more than we actually speak.
The main reason for the breakdown in so many relationships is simply – selfishness. As human beings, we instinctively assert ourselves, to preserve ourselves – even our point of view. Good old fashioned self preservation often turns us into bickering, belligerent, unhappy spouses – because we want everyone to “see” things our way. But what if we stopped trying to prove ourselves to our spouses and started focusing on becoming better listener’s, better husbands, better wives, better parents, better people? We would not only change our relationships, our children and families would see the effects, our neighborhoods, our communities – we would literally help change the world – one relationship at a time. If we could just take a slice of “humble pie” and end the “relationship war”.
Every relationship has seasons, recognize the season you're in - planting, pruning, watering or harvest time. Be willing to do the WORK, to reap all of the AMAZING BENEFITS each season has in store. The work that goes with this kind of Love goes beyond an emotion of temporary "bliss". It's the kind of LOVE that is patient, long suffering and knows no limits because it is LOVE without conditions or limits. This week, find news ways you can be patient, kind, supportive, forgiving and long suffering. If you’ve fallen out of love with your spouse, with time, effort, counsel, books and some hard work, you can surely fall back into love again.
Junice Rockman of Murfreesboro is a Household Engineer, Certified Life Coach & Journalist. Email comments to jrockmotivates@gmail.com
"Fallen Out of Love? Good News You Can Fall Back In"
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