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Ever feel like throwing in the towel, saying "what's the use in striving toward my dreams" and just giving in? Well today is your day to get just the boost of confidence you needed to keep forging ahead.

I have a new slogan my husband, Rock, and I have been using lately: "Champions never quit, never give in and always win."

Webster's Dictionary definition of the word "champion" is, "One that wins first place or first prize in a competition. One that is clearly superior or has the attributes of a winner; an ardent defender or supporter of a cause or another; one who fights or defends; a warrior."

In life we must fight for what we believe in. Whether that means fighting to have a quality prayer life, a good marriage or time with your children, we have to persevere and obtain those things we know are rightfully ours. God's word says he not only came to give us life, but wants us to have life more abundantly (John 10:10). That means we have the right to access a lavish, full, fruitful, prosperous and joyous life on this Earth.

There will be times when we have to fight to walk in this good life.

Sometimes we are fighting for our financial status, doing all we can to say out of debt and to save up a sizable nest egg.

Sometimes we may have to fight to maintain our friendships and relationships. It's not always about being right, but about doing right for the long-term good.

If you've been feeling worn down, take a moment to rest and regroup. Take a long walk, talk to a good friend, read a good book or drive through a neighborhood that inspires you. Whatever you do — just don't quit.

The race isn't given to the strong or to the swift, but to he that endures (Ecclesiastes 9:11). It's not about where we start, but where we are going and where we end up.

By all means, don't defer your happiness to a certain event or status in your life. "Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers." — 1 John 1:2, New American Standard Bible.

Enjoy your life right where you are today. Enjoy the journey, and as always, make today the very best day of your life!


Anonymous said...

Hi Junice,

Your articles are very encouraging and uplifting. Keep up the graet work. God has definitely gited you as an awesome writer. I look forward to seeing you in the magazines.

Your Sis,

Jewel Tankard

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