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No More Second Guessing

Are you the kind of person who can give sound advice to a friend, colleague or even stranger that's in need but often questions the right direction to take for your own life? Do you find that you are able to give strength, comfort and encouragement to everyone freely accept for yourself?

If this sounds like you, it may be time to learn to trust, value and believe in yourself. One of the most disempowering things we can do to damage our own self-esteem is to constantly question ourselves — living our lives, going behind every decision wondering if it was the right one.

The more we doubt our choices, the harder it will become to make them confidently in the future.

I firmly believe in getting wise counsel from a multitude of well-established friends or confidants. Proverbs 11:14 talks about the surety we can have with many advisors. It is important that we have someone with good judgment we can bounce our ideas off of and get unbiased feedback. But that still cannot take the place of learning to trust our own gut instinct.

God has a unique plan for each of our lives that is as detailed and specific as our very DNA. With that plan, he also places an internal GPS to help direct our steps and choices along the way. The only way to get better at using that GPS is through practice.

Twentieth century author Earl Nightingale said: "The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment."

Trust that inner knowing and you will begin to have an immeasurable sense of peace and fulfillment.

Take some time to pray and search your heart for direction in your life. Proverbs 3:5 states that your steps will be ordered by God. Remember, "Other people may be there to help us, teach us, guide us along our path, but the lesson to be learned is always ours." — unknown

What is it that you've been waiting to do because you simply lacked confidence? Sometimes the best way to learn as you go is to just let go and let the learning begin.

Be confident in your choices, surround yourself around people who will not only tolerate you but celebrate your dreams. Go confidently in the direction you believe God designed for your life and enjoy the process along the way.

Learn from past but don't be limited by it


As you progress in your life's journey, you will have many victories, great memories and opportunities for growth, and you'll more than likely make some mistakes along the way as well.

You'll soon find you can't go back and change a decision once it's been made, nor can you take back a phrase once it's been said, and you certainly cannot delete an event after it's happened.

The good news is, although you cannot rewrite your beginning, there is always time to write a new ending.

Decide your legacy

The past is over, the present is here and the future is for us to create. I like to think of our lives as chapters in a book. Each page creates a new chapter, each chapter a new volume and, collectively, each volume creates the legacy you leave on the planet.

What impact would you like to make? How do you want to be remembered once you're gone, and how do you want to be thought of while you are still here?

You can begin to redesign your life and future one day at a time. It starts with prayer, a solid plan, a lot of faith and a good support system.

Take time to prayerfully consider major decisions in your life. Get feedback from others you know who are successful in the area in which you are looking to achieve. Plan your work and work your plan. Have faith in God that the dream he gave you and the vision he started in you will be completed in your life. That is where faith comes in.

Despite challenges, those who may doubt you or even in times that you doubt yourself, don't ever lose your faith. Change is a process, but as you rewrite the pages of your life, you will find great joy and fulfillment.

Don't minimize expectations

While experience is a good teacher, we don't want to allow our experiences to limit our expectation for our future. We need to keep moving forward and stay free from limitations in life.

Perhaps you're limiting yourself because of mistakes you've made or failures you've had. Or you could have limitations in your mindset, thinking you've already experienced all the good and great experiences life has to offer, not leaving room for new, exciting opportunities.

It doesn't matter where or how you start. It doesn't matter what your family has previously achieved, you can live a life without limits and raise your expectations.

Your life will rise to the occasion of your expectation.

Forgive yourself

Growing up, most of us heard the old adage, "forgive and forget." While it is essential to let go of past hurts and disappointments caused by others, it is equally important that we learn to forgive ourselves.

This means we let ourselves off the hook, let go of condemning, disempowering thoughts, grow wiser from mistakes and celebrate ourselves again. Don't spend your life beating yourself up for things you feel you've failed at. You'll only be holding yourself hostage to your own thinking.

Day by day, learn to love yourself more, learn to laugh again and live again.

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