Changes can make life better
You don't have to defer your happiness in life waiting on one single event to "make everything perfect." Here are a few common concerns people have about their lives and suggestions to maximize your current situation:
1. I feel stuck in my job.
If you feel like your job is leading you down a dead-end path, you are not alone. Recent studies show that 6 out of 10 people are unhappy with their current jobs. What are you passionate about?
Have you been dreaming of writing that book, launching an invention or opening a store? You can set small goals for yourself and begin your own business on a part-time basis. You might say, "I just don't have the time to work my business full time." That's OK — working it part-time is better than no time at all. Dedicate a couple of hours a day toward your goal. Also consider starting online which will keep your overhead low and give you the flexibility to work from home at varying hours.
If you want to go into a different professional field all together, research the cost to get advanced training or a degree part time or online. It may feel like a slow process, but if you start now, you will finish and have the skills to move into a new field.
2. I need a vacation, but can't afford it.
When it comes to money and time, we do what we deem to be top priority. If it's been years since you've been on vacation, maybe it's time to raise yourself up on the priority list.
You don't have to wait for the perfect moment, when all the stars and your finances line up to enjoy a vacation with your spouse or family.
Try setting aside a percentage of your income every month to go toward your vacation fund. Maybe you won't go to Paris or Cancun right away, but you can start with a local resort by the lake in your area. '
Or you can become a tourist in your own city. Make a hotel reservation downtown, schedule dinner, a play, trip to the spa or a shopping excursions. Just one night away from your regular routine will do wonders for your peace of mind and add zest to your life.
3. I want to move into a new home
Of course, it's easy to go out this week and start looking at new nicer homes. But maybe the money's just not there yet. Here are a few simple, less expensive alternatives to upgrade your current living space:
- Freshen your rooms up with new paint.
- Get your carpets cleaned.
- Purchase new bedding, linen, towels and window treatments.
- Rearrange the furniture and décor in your house and eliminate clutter.
As always, make today the best day of your life!