When something goes wrong, do you tend to bounce back or fall apart?
People with resilience seem to be able to quickly harness inner strengths and quickly rebound from setbacks. Whether its sickness, divorce, job loss or death, resilient people realize they will either sink or swim when challenges come their way.
On the other hand, those who are less resilient tend to feel like victims of their circumstances, dwell on issues and become easily overwhelmed. They may feel their only refuge is in coping mechanisms such as overeating, drugs, alcohol or seclusion. Challenges are an inevitable ,and having the ability to bounce back certainly won't make problems go away. But having the right attitude will give you the insight to see past them. Find a way to avoid being overtaken by the currents of life. Instead learn to ride the waves.
This doesn't mean you should become emotionally distant or cold. Nor does it mean you always respond to adversity with ease and grace. You don't have to be in denial either. But you can still admit to challenges in your life and then, go into solution mode.
Whatever you do, just don't dwell on the problem. It's not always about what you go through, but how you choose to react and the fact that you must decide to come out on the other side. Learning how to bounce back is also a great example for your family. This will teach them out to avoid common pitfalls like depression, anxiety and low self-esteem.
Here are common characteristics of resilient people. See if you can see some of these traits in your own character. Remember performing well under pressure is a life skill that takes time to develop. So if you aren't where you want to be, just keep working at it and if you don't give up. You'll get there.
- Ability to easily to adapt to change.
- Having a general feeling of control of your life.
- I tend to bounce back after a hardship or illness.
- Regularly developing solid relationships with friends and family.
- Holding the belief that you never give up even in seemingly hopeless situations.
- Ability to think clearly and logically under pressure.
- Finding humor in stressful situations.
- Having a self-image of confidence and strength.
- I like challenges and feel comfortable taking the lead.
Many people are going through tough times right now all across the globe. But you can choose to allow the joy of the Lord to be your strength. Learn to be a victor over life's trials and not a victim. And by all means, enjoy the process as you grow and learn to bounce back.