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When something goes wrong, do you tend to bounce back or fall apart?

People with resilience seem to be able to quickly harness inner strengths and quickly rebound from setbacks. Whether its sickness, divorce, job loss or death, resilient people realize they will either sink or swim when challenges come their way.

On the other hand, those who are less resilient tend to feel like victims of their circumstances, dwell on issues and become easily overwhelmed. They may feel their only refuge is in coping mechanisms such as overeating, drugs, alcohol or seclusion. Challenges are an inevitable ,and having the ability to bounce back certainly won't make problems go away. But having the right attitude will give you the insight to see past them. Find a way to avoid being overtaken by the currents of life. Instead learn to ride the waves.

This doesn't mean you should become emotionally distant or cold. Nor does it mean you always respond to adversity with ease and grace. You don't have to be in denial either. But you can still admit to challenges in your life and then, go into solution mode.

Whatever you do, just don't dwell on the problem. It's not always about what you go through, but how you choose to react and the fact that you must decide to come out on the other side. Learning how to bounce back is also a great example for your family. This will teach them out to avoid common pitfalls like depression, anxiety and low self-esteem.

Here are common characteristics of resilient people. See if you can see some of these traits in your own character. Remember performing well under pressure is a life skill that takes time to develop. So if you aren't where you want to be, just keep working at it and if you don't give up. You'll get there.


- Ability to easily to adapt to change.

- Having a general feeling of control of your life.

- I tend to bounce back after a hardship or illness.

- Regularly developing solid relationships with friends and family.

- Holding the belief that you never give up even in seemingly hopeless situations.

- Ability to think clearly and logically under pressure.

- Finding humor in stressful situations.

- Having a self-image of confidence and strength.

- I like challenges and feel comfortable taking the lead.

Many people are going through tough times right now all across the globe. But you can choose to allow the joy of the Lord to be your strength. Learn to be a victor over life's trials and not a victim. And by all means, enjoy the process as you grow and learn to bounce back.

Be the very best dad you can be

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Dad's day is here this weekend and families all across the country are making plans to honor their dads, grandfather, uncles and brothers. Here are a few tips to be the very best dad you can be.

Discipline with love

Fathers can still effectively discipline their children with a calm, yet stern, tone without yelling and screaming. You should never speak down to your children, saying things like "you are so stupid" or "you get on my nerves." The old saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me" couldn't be further from the truth.

The words you speak over your children will have a lasting impression for years to come. It may seem like a simple concept, but you'd be surprised how many adults I've counseled because of things their parents said to them decades ago.

Also avoid giving "the cold shoulder." If you need time to yourself, go away to fish, read or sit quietly so when you are with your children, you are fully present and give them your best.

Commit to dinner time

With long work days and varying kids' activity schedules, sitting down to have dinner together as a family almost seems to be a thing of the past. But even if you can't have dinner together every night, at least commit to dinner together a few times a week at the same time. This is a great time to go around the table and ask what the highlights of the day were and see if anyone has concerns. Make sure you set the example by initiating this time together. It's also a good time to listen and give advice.

Take time to read

If you still have young children, make sure you start reading to them early on. This is a great way to end your night, learn something new and have quiet time together. This is a nice way to step away from the world of electronics and TV and really develop their cognitive skills. If they always see you reading instead of watching TV, they will likely develop the same habit and carry it with them for the rest of their life.

Father's job never done

Often times dads give their toddler and preteen children more attention and then feel like they don't know how to relate to them as they get older. This is especially true for girls.

But remember your children still need you in their teen years and beyond. This is when talk time and making sure they feel loved and validated are the most critical.

There are so many things pulling at them in school and in the media. You want to always be the consistent voice affirming their value, talent and identity. Find something positive to compliment them on every day.

Take hold of chances in your life

Have you recently been offered a new position in your career, the chance to go back to school to finish your degree, or maybe a business opportunity? There are moments and seasons that come into each of our lives that are "once in a lifetime."

If you wait too long to think about whether or not you should take a chance and try something new, you may let the opportunity slip right through your hands. Ideally, we want to all live with little or no regrets. As we look back over the years, nobody wants to feel we made a series of bad choices or missed out on something big. In order to avoid those regrets, we have to seize every precious and spectacular moment in life that comes our way.

Here are a few tips to help you seize the moment:

1. Don't fight to create your path, pray to find your destiny.

It's often been said you can figure out your life's purpose by identifying what moves you to laughter or moves you to tears.

What is it that stirs you up? Are you passionate about writing, medicine, politics, raising a family, or finance? What is it that you could do all day whether you were paid to or not and love it?

These are questions you want to ask yourself to help identify your purpose.

You don't have to try to force yourself into the right place or the right crowd. Begin to pray and earnestly seek God's direction to get on course with the path predestined for you to follow.

2. Don't do the same thing every day.

Get out, network, meet new people and put yourself in the position for new opportunities to come your way. If you go to the same places and do the same exact things 365 days a year, how can you expect something new to come your way?

Apart of seizing the moment includes following God's leading so you are in the right place at the right time for God's favor to show up in your life. Success happens when preparation meets opportunity. Prepare yourself now for what you are dreaming to do. So when the door of opportunity shows up, you can walk right through it.

3. Recognize when something good has come your way.

Opportunities may come in the form of a simple suggestion from a friend or relative.

Practice the art of listening when new ideas or opportunities are presented to you — not just listening with your ears, but also listen with your heart. Don't just overlook suggestions or that "gut" feeling you get about something, or you could be missing out on something that would change your life in a great way.

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